Contestable market — In economics, the theory of contestable markets, associated primarily with its 1982 proponent William J. Baumol, holds that there exist markets served by a small number of firms, which are nevertheless characterized by competitive equilibria (and … Wikipedia
Contestable Market Theory — An economic concept that refers to a market in which there are only a few companies that, because of the threat of new entrants, behave in a competitive manner. The contestable market theory assumes that even in a monopoly or oligopoly, the… … Investment dictionary
Contestable Market — Unter Bestreitbarkeit (englisch contestability) versteht man in der Mikroökonomie die Möglichkeit eines Markteintritts durch einen potenziellen Konkurrenten. Ist ein Markteintritt leicht möglich (d. h. liegen wenige oder gar keine Marktschranken… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Market power — Competition law Basic concepts History of competition law Monopoly Coercive monopoly Natural monopoly … Wikipedia
Electricity market — An electricity market is a system for effecting the purchase and sale of electricity using supply and demand to set the price. Wholesale transactions in electricity are typically cleared and settled by the grid operator or a special purpose… … Wikipedia
New Zealand electricity market — New Zealand s electricity market is regulated by the Electricity Industry Participation Code administered by the Electricity Authority (NZ). The Authority was established in November 2010 to replace the Electricity Commission (NZ) and its… … Wikipedia
New Zealand Electricity Market — The New Zealand Electricity Market is a mixture of state owned enterprises, trust owned companies and public companies.BackgroundUp to 1994, New Zealand had a system of monopoly providers of generation, transmission, distribution and retailing.… … Wikipedia
Вступление в отрасль — MARKET ENTRY Проникновение на рынок новых фирм. Стимулом для проникновения является сверхприбыль, которую получают работающие в отрасли фирмы. Появление новых игроков имеет большое значение для расширения производствен ных мощностей отрасли и… … Словарь-справочник по экономике
Конкурентный рынок — CONTESTABLE MARKET Рынок, на котором новые фирмы сталкиваются с такими же расходами, как и действующие на рынке фирмы. Если фирма уходит с рынка, она имеют возможность возместить все свои издержки (за вычетом амортизации). Утвердившиеся на рынке… … Словарь-справочник по экономике
Coercive monopoly — Competition law Basic concepts History of competition law Monopoly Coercive monopoly Natural monopoly … Wikipedia
William Baumol — William Jack Baumol (born February 26 1922) is a New York University economics professor (although he is also affiliated with Princeton University) who has written extensively about labor market and other economic factors that affect the economy … Wikipedia